At ECHS we are Christ-Centred, and seek to build godly character, foster community and cultivate excellence.
Assisting parents to develop the knowledge, talents, and skills of their covenant children in a biblically directed manner
Equipping our youth for Kingdom service
We seek to do all things in accordance with Christ's teaching as summarized in our Reformed confessions, persevering through challenges, and trusting in God's purposes for the benefit of others and for our witness to the world.
Created in the image of God, yet understanding our sinfulness, we strive to be His image bearers by growing in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
Anchored in the covenant, we work together to educate our youth and nurture a culture of belonging.
God has created every person with unique gifts; we are required to fully develop these gifts to His glory.
Welcome to the website of Emmanuel Christian High School! My name is Stephen DeBoer, principal of Emmanuel Christian High School since 2020.
As a 'parental school', ECHS serves a community of Reformed Christian parents in Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin Counties, assisting them in their God-given task to develop the knowledge, talents, and skills of their covenant children in a biblically directed manner.
ECHS offers a full course load to students from Gr. 9-12, including all necessary required and elective courses to achieve the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, and many extracurricular opportunities, both athletic and non-athletic.
We are firmly committed to the historical Reformed Christian worldview and desire to equip our students for a life of service to God and His Kingdom. We recognize our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as the centre of all things and are committed to serving Him in everything we do, both in and out of the classrooms.
It is our aim to build godly character in our students, to foster a community and culture of belonging for all our students, and to help our students to gain a body of knowledge and skills. Our dedicated faculty aims to develop every student's God-given gifts to His glory in a way that cultivates excellence.
Our school is supported by many members, young and old. As Psalm 145 says: "One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts". That is really all that ECHS all about – passing on the wonderful and amazing deeds of our God from one generation to the next generation of God's covenant children!
"We recognize our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as the centre of all things and are committed to serving Him in everything we do, both in and out of the classrooms."
REFORMED: The basis of education and instruction at ECHS is the infallible Word of God as the Canadian and United Reformed Churches summarize and confess it in the Three Forms of Unity, namely, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort.
PARENTAL: We acknowledge as Reformed community that the education of children is, first and foremost, the responsibility of parents as God commands parents to diligently teach their children His words (Deut. 6:7-8). Through membership and election of a Board of Directors, parents govern the school and send their children to ECHS to delegate the academic aspects of that task to teachers who, together with the parents, submit to the authority of God’s Word.
COVENANTAL: ECHS was built by parents and other school association members in the conviction that education, like all of life, must be biblically based and directed. Our school recognizes that there must be unity in what children are taught at home, in church, and in school. Within this framework, we teach our children the promises and obligations of the covenant, which the LORD has made with believers and their children (Gen.17:7, Acts 2:39)
As Reformed Christians, we understand that a commitment to the Word of God is a rule for all of life, which includes the education of our children. Furthermore, in a culture that encourages everyone to find their own identity, it remains imperative that we continue to educate our youth in an environment that reinforces their identity as children of our heavenly Father, created in His image, redeemed in the image of Christ, and committed to the Word of Christ.
Teaching is an amazing career! As teachers, we help parents raise their covenant children to be discerning young adults, equipped for a life of service to God and the community.