ECHS Membership

ECHS is blessed to be part of a tremendously supportive Christian community. When many members contribute by praying for us, volunteering and giving financially, it becomes possible under God's blessing to provide Reformed education for every child in the Reformed churches in the catchment area.

Membership Categories

As Emmanuel is a private school and does not receive any government subsidy, all costs are covered by tuition and donations. Affording tuition can be a challenge for parents. We therefore charge one amount per family, regardless of the number of students per family, and promote lifelong membership of the school society by all church members so that together we can keep rates affordable. As each person or family is in a different stage of life, the school society has designed different tiers of support:

ECHS Fees 2024-2025

*per month

Membership & Enrollment

Parents and guardians who are members of the school society can enroll their children in Emmanuel Christian High School. Membership in the school society is open to members of a Canadian Reformed Church or of a church with whom the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches maintains ecclesiastical fellowship, including the United Reformed Churches of North America. Any other enrollment is subject to the approval of the board. (By-law 7.01, Section e), see below.

Download Membership Forms

Not a member of the Canadian Reformed Church?

Non-members who request enrollment for their children must be in complete agreement with the purpose and basis of education at ECHS. In order to evaluate the request and assure themselves of this, the board of directors follows the procedure in the 'Conditions of Admittance of Non-Member Children'. To start this process, please request enrollment in writing to be received by the Board no later than April 1 for enrollment in the upcoming school year.

Download Non-Member Application
Our experiences from orientation for parents and students, communication between staff, teachers, principal and parents has been fabulous. We are thankful that each subject can be taught with our faith and love for Christ as centre. The school uses the Edsby platform to keep us up to date on what’s going on, grades and assignments as well as the school activities and messages. We appreciate the new Social Emotional Support program to come alongside and support our children also. We feel very thankful and blessed to be able to send our children to this Christian school.
Parent @ ECHS


Tuition assistance

At Harvest Foundation, we know that you want your children to grow up to be discerning young adults, equipped for a life of service. A life in which they show love to their neighbor and honor God. This is why you’ve chosen Reformed, Christian education — a choice that comes with a significant cost. School tuition is expensive and only going up from here. This may be leaving you feeling strained — financially, emotionally and maybe even spiritually. Educating our children in the way of the LORD ought to be a joy!

Learn More: >>

Any questions about membership or enrollment? Please get in touch: